Mooyi: Crafting a revolutionary marketing platform for businesses and SMEs

Mooyi: Crafting a revolutionary marketing platform for businesses and SMEs

Mooyi: Crafting a revolutionary marketing platform for businesses and SMEs

Mooyi is an enterprise product that offers SMS, email, and voice broadcasts to reach your target audiences. A mobile marketing platform that allows you to create and manage campaigns, access profiled customers, and track conversions.

My Role

Product Designer

UX Researcher


UX & UI Design


Interactive Prototype

Website Link



There is a communication gap between Businesses and customers.

There is a communication gap between Businesses and customers.

Over the last three years the market cap of marketing automation has grown 12.5% and is estimated to be over $11.47B in the next four years. The team at Mooyi has been providing digital marketing skills for B2B the past few years, building a reputation as experts in their field.

However the need to scale up and help businesses process their marketing faster and improved customer engagement was demanding. They knew they need to automate their services for faster output. Then, they decided to build a marketing automation tool Mooyi, which was an avenue to help business handle their marketing automation and connecting them to audience the business need.

“How might we provide A solution to mobile marketing automation THAT IS EFFICIENT AND ALLOW USERS REACH ENGAGE WITH CUSTOMERS ”

MY role and approach.

I led the overall design process for Mooyi.

I led the overall design process for Mooyi.

I came into Mooyi as the only product designer to handle everything research, UI related for the project, communicating with the stakeholder to brainstorm project direction.

While joining the team, The existing project had a poor UX, lacked proper communication with stakeholders and was not standard enough. So, My role was to design a project that aligns the user needs and business goals.

The team was a small team that comprised a Product manager, content writers, Engineers, and marketers.


a multitude of marketing channels to communicate with customers

a multitude of marketing channels to communicate with customers

We’ve spent the last few month working a lite, easy-to-use marketing automation solution to reach your customers at scale. Our major solutions include

Marketing channels such as Email, SMS and Voice (Robocall) channels

Surveys creations

Customers management system.


meeting with the stakeholders to get insight.

Starting with reviewing and analysing the existing design file and had sessions with stakeholders to understand how they felt about the product, their limitations and pain points, from there i was able to identify the user flow and how the branding looked were the points.


NO solid competitor in the African marketing space.

The next course of action was conducting research existing solutions on marketing automation. I analyzed 4 popular marketing automation tools. This was a bit challenging as most of these products had limited resources on how the business works and few demos on how the product worked on youtube. After digging deeper, I found there was no competitor in the Nigerian space to see how the solutions were structured for the current market and identify the lapses so the competitive analysis was focused on foreign companies. Then this became my opportunity for the solution.


My intervieews were 4x likely to happy if they had a platform hat allow them to reach and retarget profiled customers and categorize them properly.

Although I saw from my research the african market is clearly untapped. I held an interview session with groups of potential customers and competitors customers to understand their pain points, existing solutions and limitations

Some of the research questions


I created user personas to better and empathize with the needs and goals of our target users, Tola Jasmine helped me to always keep the needs of the users at the forefront.

I proceeded to design information architecture, process flows; user-flows, and task flows for the system.


Relability, simple and efficient

  • Based on the user research and the business objectives, I defined the following product goals for the product

  • Develop a experience for users to be easily communicate with customers via multiple marketing channels.

  • Improve the efficiency to get customer and data insights for user to improve their business/ products.

  • A reliable and affordable system for large organizations and SMEs.


Final design

Final design

After carefully analyzing the data and working with an MVP and time constraints, the following solutions were designed below

Simplified dashboard

Simplified dashboard

Creating a simplified and user-friendly dashboard experience that was both functional and aesthetic to ease the user into the product.

On the dashboard, the user can access all the account important metrics, see a total of campaign credit balance for creating campaigns, and access other function like creating a campaign, importing contact list and so son

Lastly one can access all recent marketing campaigns.

manage and create campaigns.

manage and create campaigns.

Have the ability to see all my campaigns on the platform and all the metrics and perform certain functions like duplicating, comparing and deleting campaigns.

Also, users can create new campaigns to send out to their audiences. When creating a campaign, you get to select the objective of the campaign and also select the campaign medium which filling all necessary details and also preview the campaign before it is sent out.

Simplified contact management system

Simplified contact management system

Mooyi can also serve as a contact management system, you can see all information about a contact see all activities performed with contact and edit information just like a regular contact management system.

Having the ability to add a new contact via various form is also a feature of the contact management system.

send out surveys

send out surveys

Creating survey was introduced to help users engage with customers and receive feedback

More screens

More screens

CONCLUSIONS and takeaways



The mobile marketing automation industry is still at it early stages in africa and reach great potentials and improve business and how users interact with their customers.

Designers cannot ignore the bigger picture when making design decisions, as every decision affects how users experience the product. They need to think about all the aspects of the product’s situation, such as what users want and expect, how users will use the product, and where users will use the product. By designing with a holistic perspective, designers can create products that truly satisfy their users.


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