Outline: Providing a simplified tool to help business to manage customer complaint efficiently

Outline: Providing a simplified tool to help business to manage customer complaint efficiently

Outline: Providing a simplified tool to help business to manage customer complaint efficiently

Manage all your complaints in one place, issue ticketing, manage support channels for communication, manage customer data, create custom replies for live chats and automated responses.

My Role

Product Designer


UX & UI Design


Interactive Prototype


many organizations struggle to effectively keep up with customers in a timely and efficient manner.

many organizations struggle to effectively keep up with customers in a timely and efficient manner.

Despite the numerous benefits that customer relationship management (CRM) tools offer, many organizations and business struggle to effectively keep up with customers and manage their request, complaints and feedback in a timely and efficient manner.

Customer support team are spending significant amount of time searching for and consolidating customer information, which is leading to inefficiencies and a lack of visibility into our customer base.

This is hindering organizations ability to provide excellent customer service leading to a lack of customer satisfaction and loyalty and to identify opportunities for growth.

“How might we provide A solution to help business effectively manage customers complaints ”


all-in-one complaint management tool

all-in-one complaint management tool

We’ve spent the last few month working a lite, easy-to-use CRM features to reach your customers at scale. Our major solutions include

Combining all these features, Outline provides a simplified web app solution to help large organizations and business manage complaints.


improve customer satisfaction by promptly addressing and resolving complaints.

  • To be able provide a centralized platform for customers to submit and track their complaints to streamline the complaint resolution process for both customers and organization or business

  • Outline aims to identify and prioritize high-impact or recurring complaints for business.

  • Also, automation of certain aspects of the complaint management process will reduce the workload of customer service teams.

  • Lastly outline success goal is also to help gather data and insights about customer complaints in order to improve products and services.

💡How did we achieve this

meeting with the stakeholders to get insight.

The goal was to understand key challenges and pain points in the current complaint management process being used in their businesses or organization. There was a major pain point we learnt from the research that they all had issues with, bad user adoption.

User’s need and pain points were identified and understood in an in-depth manner, and from this personas were generated to be able to personalize the pain points, challenges and identify the core requirements of users.

To understand the processes of the existing market and how to improve the value we would serve to our users, we conducted a competitive analysis by trying out firsthand experiences with various CRM tools such as Gorgais, Zendesk. We also read each of the users reviews on Trustpilot to gain further insight.


insights from survey and exploring alternatives

I approached the survey by asking the support team about how they handled their complaint process. Curious as to how do they track and manage customer complaints within their company. I set out specific survey questions that was aimed to understand their concerns were. From this, we hoped to gain insight into the basic decision-making of the complaint management process.

Understanding competitors who are providing similar solutions in the space on how they provide solutions for similar user needs using SWOT analysis has helped me define what creative solutions could be designed and improved for our product.

Trying out firsthand experiences with some of these applications enabled us note down the things they had done right and connected with my current understanding of why they had done it, or how they had gone about it. I also noted down the functions that could be improved on and market opportunities in which they were currently lagging.


I created user personas to better and empathize with the needs and goals of our target users, Tola Jasmine helped me to always keep the needs of the users at the forefront.

With all the information gathered i was able to generate some how might we questions to help the ideation process, which helps to think of a solution based on the problem.


Final design

Final design

The stage is now set to proceed to design the features out. Ideating design solutions after the necessary data from research was analyzed was the next process.

onboarding process

onboarding process

The onboarding process was introduced to help first time users set up seamlessly. Users are able to get started easily. They are provided with the option of adding support channels, and team members in 3 steps.

dynamic dashboard.

dynamic dashboard.

The home page consist of the dashboard and the report view, The dashboard typically displays key metrics such as the number of open tickets, the number of tickets closed, and the average resolution time, giving customer service representatives and managers a quick overview of complaint activity.. The report page get advanced overview of the company complaint management data.

The dashboard display support volume and channel conversation, which can help the company monitor and improve its complaint management process.

Here you can see Eniola admin view of the dashboard.

Creating a ticket.

Creating a ticket.

The ticket is centrepiece of the product which is designed to streamline and improve the process of managing customer complaints and providing a resolution, while also providing a better customer experience where tracking and organizing customer complaints, assigning and routing complaints to specific customer service representatives or teams, and routed to the appropriate department or person for resolution.

Tickets can be prioritized based on urgency or severity, and escalated to higher-level representatives or managers if necessary. Also, Tickets provide a central location for customer service representatives to communicate with customers, update them on the status of their complaint, and provide a resolution.

customer management

customer management

The customer screens provide customer support team with access to customer information, such as contact information, complaint history, and previous interactions, which can help them to understand the customer's issue and context. It can also serve as a customer management tools to keep all customers information in a single place.



Automation screens can be used to create different automation such as macros, triggers can be used to streamline the complaint management process by creating automated responses and help guide for customers. It helps to save time for customer service representatives and improve the efficiency of the complaint management process.

More screens

More screens

CONCLUSIONS and takeaways



Many business suffer great customer loss from not being able to manage complaint effectively. This project aims to effectively help business streamline their complaint management process and be closer to their customers more than ever.
I enjoyed and learnt a lot from this project on how we can help business that being affected by having bad complaint management process.


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